Saturday 30 April 2011

No Liquids On the Airplane please. WHAT ABOUT WATER.

Finally I get to begin to use my blog for its sole purpose which was to help communicate and document before, during and after my trip overseas.

In two weeks I will be heading over to Jerusalem, Israel to apprentice under a pretty popular Israeli photographer for two weeks. (It was going to be a month but due to certain circumstances the time frame was adjusted).
I will be staying with a very very dear and close family friend who I basically consider my uncle named Jacob. He's absolutely amazing for putting me up for two weeks. 

After I complete my two weeks in Israel I will then be heading to Istanbul Turkey for a month. While in Turkey I'll be continuing my independent study from Israel (a couple things on the go during all this as you can see). Lucky for me I have the best tour guides in the country! My two best friends Eser and Bengy whom I've been friends with for years now will be yet again putting me up with their families and friends in Turkey! We will be traveling within Turkey but using Istanbul as our main spot. 

After a month in Turkey, Eser and I will be traveling to Paris for five days. I figured after all those crazy art history courses I might as well see what I've learned. 

So there's the break down. 
While I'm away, I will be posting an image every day of my trip turing my blog into a photo journal if you will to help document my trip.
Of course when I have more free time, I'll leave in a little more detail what's been going on.

Of course you can all contact me via e-mail, for the few I'll miss the most ( which is obvious ) I'll be calling you at random :] With the amazing six to seven hour time difference this should be fun... hahahaha because see you can't actually get mad at me for waking you up because like.. man... I'll be calling from Turkey, how the heck can you get mad at that?

Two weeks.. 
I'm freaking out. Not going to lie. Not freaking out in a sense that I'm doubting this choice, more or less this is really going to be I honestly think something that will change my over all perception. Sure you can say yeah yeah a load of crap Alex but this will be the biggest trip I've taken alone before. I'll be pretty self dependent even though I am staying with friends. I'm leaving Halifax for a month and a half. Sorry two months in Saskatchewan doesn't count as leaving home. 

I'm excited to experience culture outside of Canada and to have a chance to compare where I live with where my friends came from. I think if anything it will be a definite eye opener and I'm really looking forward to developing an even greater appreciation for what's around me and for what's to come.
I think it will the unexpected.. because things never really appear as what they seem to be in your head I've learned. So we'll see how she goes. 

Keep checking my blog for updates. 
My next post will be the day before I leave May 14th. 
I will then update May15th while I'm in Heathrow Airport for like a five hour layover so SKYPE is going to probably be on. Don't be surprised if I'm chillin with Beibs. He chills at the Starbucks in Heathrow on the regular and apparently was rockin in Israel like last month? Rando.

Sweet treats, thanks for the read.
Hope the next few months rock my world. 

The End


1 comment:

  1. argh i wrote you a comment and it (the internet) screwed me over. have an amazing time on your trip sounds ballin', and we should have beer when you come home. i'm super jealous, i was dreaming about paris last night!
