Monday 4 April 2011

Running with Tears in my eyes.

   So I'm a pretty huge Grey's Anatomy fan, I will not deny that ever. It's an amazing show and I totally love all the crap that goes on in it. Love triangles and crazy relationships between patients and doctors leading to conflicts in interest and ALL THIS unrealistic television drama. Its entertaining to boot. (People can disagree thats fine, I've probably written you off anyways). 
 SO I generally watch the show when I'm about to go to bed, get all comfy ready to bawl my eyes out. Thats another thing! This is the ONLY show in the entire world that makes me cry like a 12 year old girl. Its pretty pathetic but I'm down with it.    Any who, so I was kind of tight on time trying to wrap up finals get my shit together so I killed two birds with one stone, ran on the treadmill and watched Grey's at the same time. Why not?  I'm not technically moving anywhere andd a lot of people do it in the gym right? I think I'm hardcore, pretty confident in my running abilities on the treadmill there so I say screw the safety clip I don't require that psh. Who the hell falls off a treadmill.. You'd have to be an incompetent idiot to manage that. 
 Grey's starts up, it's the musical episode where my favorite loves of the show Callie and Arizona get into a car accident. Tragic. The entire episode is basically a musical but really really good.. from my prospective. Running away, have a pretty sick incline ya know decent pace workin up a sweat AND SOME CRAZY SHIT happens. I lose it. Start bawling my eyes out. Meanwhile running on this treadmill not thinking that I CAN'T SEE. Blinded by tears. (By this point of the story you can definitely judge me and think I'm a huge loser thats fine. I would 100% think the same. HAHA)
 Tears streaming down my face, running and I all of a sudden get extremely disoriented and I FLIP THE HELL off the damn thing. Like I lose all balance (after P90x Yoga like a million times you'd think I'd be a tad more graceful.. FAIL) 
 Flip off, no safety clip the thing is STILL going at a running speed and I smash my head on the bar thing.. now I'm sitting on my ass Grey's still going treadmill still running full speed or what have you.. and I'm laughing and crying at the same time.

There's a story for you.
Wear your safety clip and don't run and cry.. it's not as easy as the movies make it seem. 

The end. 

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