Thursday 31 March 2011


 The last month, as I'm sure many of you can relate, my head has been packed to the max. All the time. It's exhausting to be constantly in thought. Constantly running through the "if's" and "buts" of this and that. It's like your brain goes on overload and panic smacks you square in the face and man.. it can hit hard.
 I find being emotionally exhausted definitely reflects physically. It's not easily cured by isolation or sleep. Doesn't seem to have an exit point to release the pressure thats on your head. But then I started to think, why am I doing this to myself ? Because really, at the end of the day you chose how you feel, react and what's on your mind. It's your choice and I feel a lot of people are in major denial over how much control they really have. Its a difficult thing to come to terms with. To realize you are causing your own stress.
 After many days of hiding out at the parents house, I came across the book "Eat Pray Love". It totally opened my eyes. Not in a "oh my god I'm going to change my life and blah blah crap crap shit shit". The things I learned from it were pretty simple concepts that are very easy to apply to day to day life and kicked my ass.
 Clear the head space, can you imagine if you gave yourself the ability to clear all that crap all that over thinking out of your brain how much pressure and stress would be gone!? Its amazing. You feel clean and not empty or dumb.. haha not like acknowledging that. Its a sense of freedom from thought. Not playing ignorant, you're still those feelings and thoughts but setting limits on how much attention and energy goes into them. Instead of missing someone and running through your head about it, acknowledge the fact you miss them. Allow yourself that moment of missing that person forgive yourself and move on with your day.
Anyways ever since adapting this added concept I'm back to my stress free happy self and its a genuinely nice feeling.
Great now my blog makes me out to be friggin Dr. Phil. Good god.

The End.

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