Tuesday 29 March 2011

Why make them into glue when they're our future therapists.

 Today I took photographs of my cat getting her little lady bits cut out. Probably the neatest surgery I have so far to photograph. I'm finding the more I work with animals within the medical/ photo realm the more I feel at home.
 Animals are interesting creatures. The connection you can create with them is like no other. I know for instance when I horse back ride I focus on how my muscles trigger my horse. They can feel every twitch, sense every emotion or mood your in all through your energy and body language. They have the ability to read you like a readers digest in two seconds and react accordingly. Those of you that have experienced riding can relate. It's a sense of freedom when with horses, no speaking just a quiet content form of communication through eye contact and touch. A therapy no douche bag with glasses and an annoying voice could provide.
 Animal human relationships are so important. I think we under-appreciate animals really. They were here first to start with, they have survival skills that we can't even imagine or begin to comprehend. Animals rely on strong family ties, instincts that prolong their lives and that of their kin. We sit at home eat shit and drink beer bitching about how crap traffic was, or like me that douche that licked my face. I'm not trying to sound like some pathetic animal enthusiast or activist.. those are different topics. Also I'm not trying to put down humans, whatever we're screwed either way.  Just some random shit I thought about today.

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