Monday 28 March 2011

Sock Rant.

 My room mate finally decided to get groceries today and because it totally blows trying to lug all that crap back home I went with her to help. So I toss on some shoes, jacket and we head to superstore. Yattah yattah we get groceries and are on our trek back home when I realize I'm not wearing socks. 
 I hate socks. They're horrible. Alright so you buy socks, white ones. Wear those once, THEY ARE NEVER white again. Wash them? Good fucking luck matching them up again. Don't think so. That is a negative. It's like socks decide, we are only going to be worn once together and then, sorry bortha didn't work out I found another NON MATCHING friend. Are you kidding me? SO I hate them. They get all weird in your shoe, make you slip and fall on your face if you have hardwood. 
 How stupid do you feel when you go to someone's house, take off your shoes and realize you mis-matched those bad boys. If you don't feel stupid, I'll tell you.. you look stupid. 
 Also, those of you that sleep in socks, you're sick. That is the weirdest shit in the book. You have blankets and sheets.. those are made to keep you warm. Socks? That have been in your nasty shoes all day in your bed? Nice. 
 I will not sleep in the same bed with someone that wears socks to bed. I'll take the floor thanks. 
 So anyways, back to the superstore walk home- the realization of me not wearing socks came to another realization- I have bought some pretty decent sneeks that I thought were all white (judge me, I totally would but they were 15 bucks and DC at West eff that), THEY ARE CREAM wtf with white laces? So now I not only am not wearing socks (which you all now know I hate anyway) BUT I'm also a huge loser with cream shoes with WHITE ass laces. Brilliant.
 Someone find me cream laces. 

Sorry I still blow at blog writing. I'm practicing? :D

The End. 

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