Tuesday 21 June 2011

Last day of Turkey

For the last week I have been in Cesme which is a holiday 'summer home' getaway for most Turkish families. We have been beach bathing and beach clubbing straight through. I finally have a tan. I also haven't had a regular internet connection for the entire time aside from updating on a rare occasion through the use of my friends Iphone. We had been to some of the top beach clubs in Cesme which were absolutely fantastic. Sun all day with blue Sea and shots.. at noon... in total one day we ordered 50 shots.. of course we only did this day ONE time because I died the next day.. moving on..
Here's some strange things I've experienced and noted about Turkey. Basically as I'm sure I've said before, Istanbul is a very grand city, many clubs, yellow cabs and people dressed to impress 24/7 there are no pajama pants grocery shopping here folks. The streets are continuously buzzing with life. This is definitely a city that never sleeps. It's pretty funny though, if you need anything you can find it and at ANY time of day. If you need apples at 2 am or pm I guarantee  there is a spot you'll be able to pick some up. Even electronic stores or restaurants. There has been many a night where we end up getting dinner and breakfast because nightlife here is never ending.
Some odd occurrences would probably be Christmas music in every Starbucks I go into, fifteen minute unannounced breaks during theatre movies, Christmas lights outside some streets at night, the lack of child protection laws, lack of laws..., servers coax you into their restaurants like hunters on the street, people constantly trying to sell things to you whether you're sitting eating food or looking in a shop at clothing.
 I remember saying in a previous note that women seem to have a lot more freedom and appear less suppressed here in Turkey than my previous observations and experience in Israel. After staying in Turkey and having more time to take in the culture I have come to the disturbing realization that this is not the case. The very idea of independence for a woman in Turkey is a mockery. But it is not entirely the families or men's fault. Women commonly marry young and for money, to keep their family a float and to continue on their families expectations of high 'honor'. Some may disagree but too bad, this is my opinion. In Canada we are very lucky to be seen more so as equals than most places I've visited. Independence definitely carries an entirely different more restraining meaning than what we see and experience it as in Canada. There seem to be a lot of young dependent (too dependent for my liking) relationships, a lot of low self esteem which is then protected by expensive clothing and over dressing, thus the 'dress to impress' and 'high fashion expectations' delivered on the daily. I think it's quite interesting how in Turkey they kind of mock our society but the sad truth is aside all the amazing culture and fantastic esthetics and food in Turkey, when it gets down to human rights we definitely are on the right side of the bridge.
I have learned a lot of history through visiting historic palaces and sights, walked many streets and through these experiences can very easily support my theories.
Its kind of funny though the huge cultural differences I've noted. In Turkey and Israel they definitely have their differences and I've funny enough been like a politician defending Israeli's in Turkey and Turkish people in Israel. But their cultures are very close in the facts of honor and a love and loyalties to their land and honor for their families.

I'm just feeling very fortunate each day to be from Canada and feel sad that many  people don't realize and take for advantage how good we actually have it.

I leave for Paris tomorrow morning and will have an interesting time navigating the metro systems to get to my hostel with my huge ass pack filled with goodies from Turkey.

I'll be arriving home to Canada in five days now and have the HUGEST amount of excitement to see some familiar faces.

I love and miss and definitely ADORE and APPRECIATE all of you and can't wait to see you all.

I saw on Google it's the first day of summer... here's hoping you actually get to experience some summer weather.

I'll be able to update my blog regularly again once I'm in Paris. My hostel has wireless and that will be fantastic.
I apologize for not answering any e-mails right away, I just decided it'd be better to update my blog to answer and update all.

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