Saturday 4 June 2011

Turkey Bound

I'm so sorry I haven't posted in forever.
I haven't been able to have ANY access to internet even though.. Turkey is a very modern fast moving city (ps. I am totally losing my english)
I have been in Turkey now for about five days and haven't  taken any photos just because I've been going around learning the city and taking in the culture.
Turkey is differs from Israel obviously but they share very many similarities.
It is a very open place, with amazing fashion, food and music. I have wonderful friends here and have been indulging in all of these fantastic characteristics of the country. Right now there's a political election going on so the city is booming with conflict due to this election. (Not anywhere close to Israel of course)
The religion here is mostly Muslim but they are not as strong practicing as those in Israel. It is not at all as conservative, and I have definitely noticed a positive change in how women are treated here in comparison to Israel.
The streets are constantly busy, the city never sleeps.
Fantastic :)
I will update again soon with photographs.
Much love, I am safe and having way too good a time.

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