Thursday 31 March 2011


 The last month, as I'm sure many of you can relate, my head has been packed to the max. All the time. It's exhausting to be constantly in thought. Constantly running through the "if's" and "buts" of this and that. It's like your brain goes on overload and panic smacks you square in the face and man.. it can hit hard.
 I find being emotionally exhausted definitely reflects physically. It's not easily cured by isolation or sleep. Doesn't seem to have an exit point to release the pressure thats on your head. But then I started to think, why am I doing this to myself ? Because really, at the end of the day you chose how you feel, react and what's on your mind. It's your choice and I feel a lot of people are in major denial over how much control they really have. Its a difficult thing to come to terms with. To realize you are causing your own stress.
 After many days of hiding out at the parents house, I came across the book "Eat Pray Love". It totally opened my eyes. Not in a "oh my god I'm going to change my life and blah blah crap crap shit shit". The things I learned from it were pretty simple concepts that are very easy to apply to day to day life and kicked my ass.
 Clear the head space, can you imagine if you gave yourself the ability to clear all that crap all that over thinking out of your brain how much pressure and stress would be gone!? Its amazing. You feel clean and not empty or dumb.. haha not like acknowledging that. Its a sense of freedom from thought. Not playing ignorant, you're still those feelings and thoughts but setting limits on how much attention and energy goes into them. Instead of missing someone and running through your head about it, acknowledge the fact you miss them. Allow yourself that moment of missing that person forgive yourself and move on with your day.
Anyways ever since adapting this added concept I'm back to my stress free happy self and its a genuinely nice feeling.
Great now my blog makes me out to be friggin Dr. Phil. Good god.

The End.

Wednesday 30 March 2011


So I've had quite a bit of wine but decided to write in my blog anyways. Makes it kind of funny. I just saw a random big ass bruise on my leg how the heck did that get there.
Anyways, I SAW THAT HIPPY HOLY SHIT today when I was in the wine bar with a lovely friend, I flipped my shit.. quietly... and stayed in my seat with my glass of wine clenched in hand. Decided to keep it classy and drink away my disgust.
I seriously can't write about anymore right now because the only way I'm seeing straight right now is with one eye closed... ahahah oh dear.
SO. I'm going to sleep and write a more updated decent blog post tomorrow morning during class. Which I have a feeling will be quite long.... help me :(

COFFEE is going to be a savior tomorrow I have a feeling :)
Ps. Love my friends at Obladee. They're amazing :) (VOTE FOR THEM!)
There guys, put it in my blog as promised. VOTE before 10 AM!
Fuck it I'm tired hahah. ps, Wolftrap is my favorite of all wines on the planet I suggest you try it. Runs at about 16 bucks a bottle.
The End.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Why make them into glue when they're our future therapists.

 Today I took photographs of my cat getting her little lady bits cut out. Probably the neatest surgery I have so far to photograph. I'm finding the more I work with animals within the medical/ photo realm the more I feel at home.
 Animals are interesting creatures. The connection you can create with them is like no other. I know for instance when I horse back ride I focus on how my muscles trigger my horse. They can feel every twitch, sense every emotion or mood your in all through your energy and body language. They have the ability to read you like a readers digest in two seconds and react accordingly. Those of you that have experienced riding can relate. It's a sense of freedom when with horses, no speaking just a quiet content form of communication through eye contact and touch. A therapy no douche bag with glasses and an annoying voice could provide.
 Animal human relationships are so important. I think we under-appreciate animals really. They were here first to start with, they have survival skills that we can't even imagine or begin to comprehend. Animals rely on strong family ties, instincts that prolong their lives and that of their kin. We sit at home eat shit and drink beer bitching about how crap traffic was, or like me that douche that licked my face. I'm not trying to sound like some pathetic animal enthusiast or activist.. those are different topics. Also I'm not trying to put down humans, whatever we're screwed either way.  Just some random shit I thought about today.

Monday 28 March 2011

Sock Rant.

 My room mate finally decided to get groceries today and because it totally blows trying to lug all that crap back home I went with her to help. So I toss on some shoes, jacket and we head to superstore. Yattah yattah we get groceries and are on our trek back home when I realize I'm not wearing socks. 
 I hate socks. They're horrible. Alright so you buy socks, white ones. Wear those once, THEY ARE NEVER white again. Wash them? Good fucking luck matching them up again. Don't think so. That is a negative. It's like socks decide, we are only going to be worn once together and then, sorry bortha didn't work out I found another NON MATCHING friend. Are you kidding me? SO I hate them. They get all weird in your shoe, make you slip and fall on your face if you have hardwood. 
 How stupid do you feel when you go to someone's house, take off your shoes and realize you mis-matched those bad boys. If you don't feel stupid, I'll tell you.. you look stupid. 
 Also, those of you that sleep in socks, you're sick. That is the weirdest shit in the book. You have blankets and sheets.. those are made to keep you warm. Socks? That have been in your nasty shoes all day in your bed? Nice. 
 I will not sleep in the same bed with someone that wears socks to bed. I'll take the floor thanks. 
 So anyways, back to the superstore walk home- the realization of me not wearing socks came to another realization- I have bought some pretty decent sneeks that I thought were all white (judge me, I totally would but they were 15 bucks and DC at West eff that), THEY ARE CREAM wtf with white laces? So now I not only am not wearing socks (which you all now know I hate anyway) BUT I'm also a huge loser with cream shoes with WHITE ass laces. Brilliant.
 Someone find me cream laces. 

Sorry I still blow at blog writing. I'm practicing? :D

The End. 

Sunday 27 March 2011

Peace and love, more like nasty.

  I'm starting a blog because I feel I'm the type that has a lot on my mind, why not blog the shit.
 Apparently you can't walk the streets without getting licked by a hippy.
Simply walking home, listening to some tunes enjoying the sun and notice some dude walking in the same stride as me. Pull out my headphones and he begins talking to me. That's cool, he had mad dreads wearing all white combat boots gnarly teeth. Pretty typical hippy profile. 
 So he only walked with me for about a minute when we reached the light. He starts grabbing at my arm and I pulled away, licks his thumb and rubbed it on my cheek. I looked at him and gave him a puke face expression. - if you don't know that expression, get really hammered to the point of puking and take a picture.. that's the face..- HE THEN leaned in and LICKED MY FACE. I just stood there and stared at him. He smiled and walked away. BY THE TIME I had realized this idiot just left his disgusting slime on my cheek he was half way across the intersection and I was ready to puke all over the sidewalk. SO, I busted my little butt home and rubbed my cheek with soap until it was raw. 
 Just because you're "down with Earth and God" and think all man kind should "jam their energies together and hug" DOES NOT mean you can lick my face. I want to encounter him again.. so my fist can lick his face. 

I promise these blogs will contain more substance once I get used to writing in a blog.

The end.