Wednesday 18 May 2011

The Machane Yehudah, Israel. Famous Market Place

   Today I ventured into the city of Jerusalem with my good friend Jacob.
We went to the Machane Yehudah which is probably the most breath taking market places I've ever been to before. Photo's definitely cannot do it justice.
Everyone is very friendly and would ask me to take their photograph with their stands.
 We also visited, The Israel Supreme Court which had some fantastic architecture within its walls (Dad, grabbed some nice shots with you and Geoff in mind!)
 We also visited and saw the walls surrounding Jerusalem. The history behind this city lays within it's people and structures. These structures have been standing and maintained for thousands of years.
 Although I lack in religious beliefs I still found myself at a loss for words for most of the day while taking in all that was going on around me. The mixture of relgious  people in practice I still find astounding.
 We stopped to check out one of the two Hebrew Universities and I noted a taxi driver had pulled over to pray, he was a practicing Muslim completing his mid day prayer.

(my apologies for photo size, I'm still trying to figure out a decent conversion for this blog!)


  1. AHAH! I figured it out. Okay now that I sent you a message in facebook I will shorten this.

    I am so glad you are there safely, and I sincerely look forward to following your blog, particularly the pictures!

    Please give Jakob a big hug and hello from me and continue having a blast!

  2. Thanks!
    I'm glad you figured it out :)
    I'll be posting more, I just kept it to one a day to make it easier for me to
    choose because there are so many!

    Jakob will be happy to hear from you! He misses the blueberry muffins he tells me. They don't have muffins in Israel strangely.. but they do have cupcakes?
    I think its time I make my name here via muffin.
