Tuesday 24 May 2011

   Sorry I've been so MIA lately. There's been a lot going on here! I'm finally settled in and have been spending a lot of time with my fantastic group of friends here whom feel a lot like family to be honest. They are such great people and work really hard every day. In meeting them, my prospective has changed greatly and has left me to appreciate my life and experiences so much more than I try to already. To hear the past stories of these individuals is unbelievable. I will be posting their stories with my  photos when my independent project is done. These aren't stories you can just tell in one way..
 In the last few days I've been up to quite a bit. Sharona and I went to Tel Aviv, I also visited and had a wonderful chance to observe the agricultural side of Israel as well as get a view of the Gaza border. I've also been to some pretty sweet A shops and visited the BEACH! Mm white sand. I think today we're going to the Dead Sea which as I'm sure you all know has the highest salt content in the world to the degree that when you swim.. you float. Also no sea life has the ability to withstand the high percentage of salt except for Pandalus Borealis being a species of shrimp.
 I will post again tonight, explaining the opening for the second paragraph and then a recap of todays adventures. I just wanted to have something written out since it's been so long.  The weather has been nothing but sun and heat for the past week with roses and flowers littering the side walks and birds chirping away.
 The evenings are cool but gradually getting warmer. AND I have finally grown accustomed to the beautiful language here!

Post another tonight with photos! (Or today.. your time..)

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